Talks & Lectures

Talks & Lectures




Ligorio, Orsat, Vojin Nedeljković, Danilo Savić. Predstavljanje knjige : Pregled indoevropskih jezika. [Book Promotion : Overview of the Indo-European Languages.] National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Dec 3 2024.

🌐 Book Promotion : Overview of the Indo-European Languages (Video)


Ligorio, Orsat. Remnants of Balkan Latin Between the Dinaric Alps and the Danube. Balkan Parallels : 30 Years of Balkan Studies at the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-18 October 2024.

Latin Between the Dinaric Alps and the Danube.pdf2664.3KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Stari jezici na Netflixu i filmskom platnu. [Ancient Languages on Netflix and in Movie Theaters.] Karlovačka letnja škola starih jezika i kultura III, Sremski Karlovci, August 24 2024.
Ancient Languages on Netflix and in Movie Theaters254059.8KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Latinica od A do 8 : Rana istorija latinske abecede. [Early History of the Latin Script.] Vikendijum : U prepisivačkoj školi, Philological Gymnasium, Belgrade, March 2 2024.
Early History of the Latin Script39415.4KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Ozvučenje ploziva u dalmatoromanskim reliktima : Nasumična ili uslovljena promjena? [Plosive Voicing in Dalmatian Romance : A Sporadic or a Conditioned Change?] Languages & Cultures in Space & Time, Novi Sad University, November 18-19 2023.
Plosive Voicing in Dalmatian Romance5925.1KB
Ligorio, Orsat. The (Re)construction of Illyrian for the Motion Picture Illyricum. Fundamentals and advances in Balkan Linguistics, Belgrade University , November 16-18 2023.
The (Re)construction of Illyrian for the Motion Picture Illyricum48384.2KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Kazuje kralj Darije : Pogled u natpise ahemenidske Persije. [Saith Darius the King : An Overview of the Inscriptions of Achaemenid Persia.] Karlovačka letnja škola starih jezika i kultura II, Sremska Mitrovica, August 19 2023.
An Overview of the Inscriptions of Achaemenid Persia39655.3KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Sanskrit. Karlovačka letnja škola starih jezika i kultura I, Sremska Mitrovica, August 19 2022.
Ligorio, Orsat. Homer’s Meter as an Instrument of Indo-European Etymology and Reconstruction. Spring Seminar in Indo-European Languages and Linguistics 3 via, May 23-27 2022.
Homer’s Meter as an Instrument of PIE Etymology and Reconstruction11549.5KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Continental Romance Loanwords in Serbo-Croatian? BeLiDa — Beogradski lingvistički dani, Belgrade (Serbia) via, December 3–4 2021.
Continental Romance Loanwords in Serbo-Croatian17132.3KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Towards the Reconstruction of Proto-Graeco-Phrygian. First Phrygian Workshop Barcelona (Spain) via, September 17–18 2021.
Towards the Reconstruction of Proto-Graeco-Phyrgian1104.1KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Proto-Graeco-Phrygian Phonology. Spring Seminar in Indo-European Languages and Linguistics 2 via, May 25-27 2021.
Proto-Graeco-Phrygian Phonology876.9KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Illyrian Place Names Derived from Verbal Roots. Глаголати 2 : Балканската глаголна система в славянски и романски аспект, Sofia (Bulgaria) via, May 7 2021.
Illyrian Place Names Derived from Verbal Roots8363.6KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Intro to Old Phrygian. Winter School in Indo-European Languages and Linguistics, February 10-14 2020.
Intro to Old Phrygian 126189.0KB
Intro to Old Phrygian 22689.3KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Archaisms and Innovations through the history of the Phrygian Language. Sofia (Bulgaria), November 6 2019.
Archaisms and Innovations through the History of the Phrygian Language408.2KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Evolution of Verb in Wallachian and Dalmatian Romance : Archaisms and Innovations in the Coexistent Categories of the Latin Verb. Глаголати  1 : Балканската глаголна система в синхрония и диахрония, Sofia (Bulgaria), November 5 2019.
Evolution of Verb in Wallachian and Dalmalmatian Romance797.3KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Further Evidence for Proto-Indo-European *d > *h₁. Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Ljubljana (Slovenia), June 4–6 2019.
Further Evidence for Proto-Indo-European *d > *h₁351.0KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Novootkriveni staropersijski natpis iu Nakše-Rustama (DNf 2019) : Analiza, interpretacija, značaj. [The Newly Discovered Old Persian Inscription of Naqsh-e Rostam : Analysis, Interpretation, Significance.] University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia), April 10 2019.
The Newly Discovered Old Persian Inscription of Naqsh-e Rostam1354.2KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Greek θύρετρα ‘door’ and Proto-Slavic *ṷorta ‘door’. 2nd International Conference on Greek Etymology, Thessaloniki (Greece), November 9–10 2018.
Ancient Greek θύρετρα ’door’ and Proto-Slavic *ṷorta 'door'338.4KB
Ligorio, Orsat. August Šlajher: Povodom 150-godišnjice smrti. [August Schleicher : Life and Work] Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade (Serbia), August 15 2018.
August Schleicher: Life and Work1204.6KB


Ligorio, Orast. Grčki horoskopi iz Oksirinha. [The Greek Horoscopes of Oxyrhynchus.] University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia), April 27 2017.
The Greek Horoscopes of Oxyrhynchus 110622.1KB
The Greek Horoscopes of Oxyrhynchus 2908.6KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Mala istorija balkanskog latiniteta. [A Short History of Balkan Latin.] Novi Sad (Serbia), April 19 2017.
Mala istorija balkanskog latiniteta1393.7KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Ovca i konji, i Balkanlatein. [The Sheep and the Horses — and the Balkanlatein.] Hrvatski studiji, Zagreb (Hrvatska), December 9 2016.
Ovca i konji, i Balkanlatein1848.2KB
Ligorio, Orsat, Nikola Golubović. The Onion of the Balkans : Peeling the Layers of Loans off Wallachian. 1st International Conference on Language Contact in the Balkans and Asia Minor, Thessaloniki (Greece), November 3–5 2016.
The Onion of the Balkans : Peeling the Layers of Loans off Wallachian927.5KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Greek Borrowings in Dalmatian Romance : Some New Criteria. 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade (Serbia), August 22–27 2016.
Greek Borrowings in Dalmatian Romance : Some New Criteria392.0KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Pero Budmani : O 100-godišnjici Smrti [Pero Budmani : Life and Work.]. Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia), December 26 2014.
Pero Budmani : Life and Work446.3KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Latin U and Greek Y in Dalmatian Romance. 1st International Conference on Greek Etymology, Thessaloniki (Greece), November 5–6 2015.
Latin U and Greek Y in Dalmatian Romance434.3KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Mali uvod u Dalmatoromanski. [Dalmatian Romance : A Short Introduction.] University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia), July 11/12 2015.
Ligorio, Orsat. Jezik i nacionalizam : slučaj srpskohrvatskog. [Language and Nationalism : The Serbo-Croatian Case.] University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia), 15 May 2015.


Ligorio, Orsat. ‘Pseudo-Yat’ in Dalmatian Loans in Serbo-Croatian. Farewell Conference Michiel de Vaan, Leiden (The Netherlands), Jun 19 2014.
Pseudo-Yat in Dalmatian Loans in Serbo-Croatian1076.2KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Old Phrygian totin; Greek δελφίς; Old Latin berber. Indo-European Heroic Poetry and Slavic Epics, Copenhagen (Denmark), May 15–17 2013.
Old Phrygian totin1204.0KB
Greek δελφίς88.5KB
Old Latin berber602.5KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Intro to Vulgar Latin. Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics Leiden (Netherlands), July 15-26 2013
Intro to Vulgar Latin1377.2KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Minor Romance Languages: Dalmatian, Sardinian. Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics Leiden (Netherlands), July 15-26 2013
Minor Romance Languages: Dalmatian, Sardinian1471.8KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Accentuation of Oldest Romance Loans in Serbo-Croatian. Slavic, Germanic, Romance in the Early Middle Ages, Leiden (The Neatherlands), November 29 2012.
Accentuation of Oldest Romance Loands in Serbo-Croatian174.8KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Serbo-Croatian roda, Latin ardea. Münster–Leiden Colloquium, Münster (Germany), June 19 2012.
Serbo-Croatian roda, Latin ardea90.1KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Na ivicama balkanistike i romanistike. [Vanishing Points in Romance Linguistics and Balkan Studies.] Institue for the Serbian Language, Belgrade (Serbia), May 21 2012.
Ligorio, Orsat. Dijalog o Valtazaru Bogišiću. [Valtazar Bogišić : Life and Work.] University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Sernia), April 6 2012.
Ligorio, Orsat. Advances on Serbo-Croatian and Indo-European Dichtkunst. LUCL Colloquium, Leiden (The Netherlands), Mar 16 2012.


Ligorio, Orsat. Varia Rhacusina. Matica hrvatska, Zagreb (Croatia), October 20 2011.
Ligorio, Orsat. Još nešto o akcentu naših romanizama. [Further Remarks on the Accentuation of Romanace Loans in Serbo-Croatian.] Dani akcentologije, Zagreb Croatia), March 10/11 2011.
Further Remarks on the Accentuation of Romance Loans in Serbo-Croatian516.0KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Observations on Latin and Latin Mediated Loans in Serbo-Croatian. International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology V, Vilnius (Lithuania), July 7–10 2010.
Observations on Latin and Latin Mediated Loans in Serbo-Croatian142.1KB
Ligorio, Orsat. Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Linguistics. Middle-European Student Indology Conference I, Zagreb (Croatia), May 7–10 2010.
Ligorio, Orsat. O holodinamici specifičnih leksičkih sistema. [The Holodynamics of Specific Lexical Systems.] Zagrebački lingvsitički krug, Zagreb (Croatia), March 30 2010.
The Holodynamics of Specific Lexical Systems799.0KB


Ligorio, Orsat. O svjetovima starog i srednjeg vijeka. [Medieval and Renaissance Cosmography.] Matica hrvatska, Dubrovnik (Croatia), December 28 2019.


Ligorio, Orsat. Akcenat u Marina Držića. [Accentuation of Marin Držić's Comedies.] Marin Držić i naše doba, Dubrovnik (Croatia), September 2–7 2008.
Ligorio, Orsat. Flat Intonation in Ardelio Della Bella’s Dictionary. International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology IV, Scheibbs (Austria), July 2/3 2008.
Ligorio, Orsat. Dubrovački dijalekat 150 godina poslije. [The Dubrovnik Dialect : 150 Years Later.] Matica hrvatska, Zagreb (Croatia), March 6 2008.
The Dubrovnik Dialect : 150 Years Later75.1KB


Ligorio, Orsat. Accentual Features of the Dubrovnik Dialect. International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology III, Leiden (The Netherlands), July 27–29 2007.